Digital Transformation, Operational Excellence,
Scalability Readiness, and Value Delivery Agility

AH Consulting helps clients facing difficult challenges set the optimal stage for success for both intervention and planning-ahead scenarios. We collaborate with clients to help them get aligned and organized with an easy-to-assimilate engagement methodology. The results are customized frameworks and playbooks tailored for the path forward toward an exceptional outcome.

Our clients transition from feeling stressed and defeated to happy, confident, and energized, with clarity of purpose and direction. Our proven approach is time-tested and efficient ― with unmatched ROI.

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We work with clients to effect transformative changes
that seem impossible.

We are a culture and organization that wants to help you exceed expectations. We smooth out complexities and help clients get organized with effective communication and strategies that are custom-tailored. We derive frameworks that position our clients for successful outcomes and, if desired, stay involved to coach or in an oversight capacity. Most importantly, we leave our clients with the tools and understanding they need to be successful.

Build a unified solution framework for success.
We bring together leadership and cross-team conversation with our synthesis of complex disparate input and simple techniques to help you derive the framework and steps that you need to take in order to get from where you are now, to where you want to be. 
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Plan and scale up a successful startup.
We can help you succeed by encouraging avoidance as much as possible of non-scalable eary stage corporate habits and adopting the right frameworks and discipline to overcome barriers to "crossing the chasm" to create a scalable path forward. 
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Embrace digital transformation.
To be competitive, computer/digital technology must be embraced and its implementation and adoption must be approach in a well-integrated, holistic manner. We offer an aligned ecosystem framework and expert facilitation that is well suited for both customers and solution providers.
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Solve recurring costly operational issues.
Create innovative solutions that lasts. As an innovation facilitator, we can help bring the right folks and holistic discussion framework together that enable your people to focus on creating meaningful change into your organization and customer offerings. This also helps you avoid costly gaps and misalignment that may have been overlooked with prior initiatives.
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Operationalize VALUE for unprecedented growth.
"Value" is what customers ultimately invest in and delivering value is why companies exist. Adopting an overarching value-based organizational strategy and aligned leadership puts you on the best path. A VMO (Value Management Office) can get you there. Let us help you implement this next-generation PMO-derivative framework that is fueled by a value-driven organization.
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Define a custom engagement.
Take advantage of the expertise and background underpinning  AH Consulting and define an engagement that addresses a specific need and statement of work. Get started with a conversation.
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100% satisfaction. Impressive results.

We understand that your success is linked to ours. Our clients are not just satisfied with our services, they're blown away by the results that we helped them achieve.

Anne was a catalyst for our [virtual clinical trials frontrunner] company to get organized at a critical juncture of growth. She helped us take our organization to the next level.
Dr. Belinda Tan, MD, PhD
Science 37 Co-founder
Anne is exceptionally versatile and with her broad experience-base to draw upon, she’s able to quickly find an approach for the challenge at hand.
Tony Click, MBA
Former CTO, Clinverse
Anne is a dynamic leader with exceptional organizational skills and an ability to dissect and resolve complex problems.
Jay Trepanier, CPA-MBA
Former CFO/CEO, Clinverse
[Anne's] assistance with strategizing and executing on a very complex multi-faceted [population health] project requiring detailed specifications at the organizational and informatics levels was invaluable.
Eileen Ciesco, MHA
Former  COO, CCNC
It was my honor to award Anne our highest distinction – the CEO Award – for truly outstanding and exceptional performance in digital transformation solution strategy leadership, delivering significant impact and outcomes.
Bob Greczyn

Ready to reach your goals?

There's no better time than now to correct your organizational direction or set the stage for success for a strategic undertaking. Book a free consultation with us to kickstart your journey to success! Take advantage of a free virtual presentation with Q&A for any of our solution pathways to learn more and gain a better idea of how your organization can benefit and the best path forward – great for a "lunch and learn" group venue.

Learn the AH way.